The McRib meme is a humorous reference to the McDonald’s fast-food sandwich that has been widely shared and elaborated on across the internet. It was first used in 2011 on the WallStreetBets (WSB) subreddit. This subreddit is a popular investment forum with over 7 million subscribers, where members discuss stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other securities.
The McRib meme is generally seen as a symbol of the risk-taking attitude of WSB’s users and is often used as a response to someone taking an especially daring investment move. The meme shows that taking a big risk can pay off in a big way, and so has often been associated with buying Bitcoin (BTC) or other stocks at advantageous times.
The meme has also been linked to stocks and other investments in general. Many users on WSB use it in reference to the potential gains to be made from volatile investments like penny stocks, which often go up or down in value rapidly. In this context, the message conveyed is that taking a risk can pay off and that big profits can be made from taking a chance with riskier investments.
Ultimately, the McRib meme has become a sort of mascot for the WSB community, representing the risky but potentially lucrative investments that members engage in. It serves to remind them to take chances and to think about the potential rewards before engaging in risky trades.